Below you’ll find the Final Jeopardy clue for Monday, February 3, 2025. Another quarterfinal will be arriving today in this year’s Jeopardy Tournament of Champions. Mark Fitzpatrick came out the winner over favorite Mehal Shah in last week’s Friday match, but journalist Drew Goins from Hawaii, another favorite from the Champions Wildcard, will have his chance tonight to make it through. He battles against policy analyst Amar Kakirde from New Jersey and high school counselor Lucas Patridge from Nevada. Here are the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 2/3/2025, in addition to the wagers and the winner of the episode.
Final Jeopardy Question for February 3
The Final Jeopardy question for February 3, 2025 is in the category of “Places of Disaster” and has the following clue:
In 1883 an old sailor didn’t know what its name meant but believed the natives “named it from the sound”
To prevent spoilers, the correct answer for this clue has been placed at the bottom of this guide.
Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for February 3
Drew became the winner of the February 3 match with an incredible performance in Double Jeopardy, earning him an easy runway victory.
After two successful Daily Doubles, Drew had a whopping $31,200 heading into the final. His correct answer didn’t really matter in the end, but he earned an extra $808 for a total of $32,008.
Lucas had $7,400 but lost $1,989 with an incomplete guess and ended in third with $5,411. Amar was able to nearly double up with his right answer, winning an extra $6,599 and going from $6,600 to $13,199.
Final Jeopardy Answer for February 3
The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on February 3, 2025 is “What is Krakatoa?”
Hopefully, it will be enough of a hint in the clue with “1883” and the category being “Places of Disaster” for contestants to think about the Krakatoa volcano explosion. We’re not sure what this “old sailor” tale is all about, but it’s meant to be a clue that the answer has unusual syllables in it. Indonesians call Krakatoa “Krakatau” and its explosion is said to have been heard almost 2000 miles away and caused the deaths of at least 36,000 people.
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