Today’s Jewelry Collection Story comes from someone I insisted that they share, even though she doesn’t have an elaborately large collection. Which we can all respect – I’ve always said your best dealer is one who doesn’t hoard everything for themselves. Kate loves jewelry – she has been selling jewelry for a really long time, but she is very specific with what she keeps and it is few and far between! Every piece within her collection has a story and a reason it is hers. Let’s learn more about this girl who lives in New York who we like to call @imsaintkatherine:
“I’ve been collecting things since I can remember! When I was a kid, I used to collect the little bags that had buttons that came off of blouses. You know what I’m talking about? I had a pencil case and would be so excited to go through and sort the bags and buttons. As I grew up, my collections grew with me and eventually I got HEAVY into costume jewelry when I was in my late teens (this is still a big love of mine). Then the natural progression to fine jewelry took hold and it’s been a wild ride ever since!”
“My number one and my favorite thing to collect are Saint Christopher medals that specifically have the car on the back. I grew up Catholic, but like with a lower case ‘c’, and the imagery and iconography of it all has always stayed with me. Hence the name Saint Katherine! I’m also a big car guy, thanks to my dad. I’m incredibly sentimental, and collecting these medals with cars ranging from 1910 to the 1970s makes me feel closer to my dad and, oh my god, I’m getting emotional. I also collect (jewelry and otherwise) devil pieces! I have some favorites, but I have a Ruser devil and baroque pearl pin that means a lot to me. My good friend Paul gifted me a vintage sterling silver angel pendant that he added 14K yellow gold horns to and it’s one of my favorite pieces ever. Is it obvious that my Catholic upbringing still runs deep in these veins? Brb, calling my therapist.”
“I’ve been selling jewelry for over ten years and there’s something so exciting about the history of it all. I love learning about every aspect of it and have some GIA classes under my belt! I tend to be a 0 of 100 type of person, and so I am continually educating myself to learn as much as I can. But truthfully, I can’t explain it. There’s just a palpable energy with jewelry that gets me going. It’s intangible but it’s strong. I’ve stopped trying to figure out why I’m so transfixed. Maybe it’s as simple as it’s bright and shiny and pretty. Who knows!”
“Where do I find pieces? I’m kind of all over the place with this. When I’m back home in Kentucky I legitimately have a circuit of antique malls and Peddlers Malls in Lexington, Louisville, and Cincinnati that never disappoint. I’m currently in upstate New York and I drive hours to hit the spots that have the goods. Obviously, I keep my connections pretty dang close to the vest, but I will say I have worked extremely hard over the years to make connections and open doors/windows/vents in any way that I can. Being nice, inquisitive, persistent, (and kind of cute) pays off!”
“You know the expression, ‘You don’t want to see how the sausage gets made’? That’s kind of how I feel about my jewelry storage. I collect antique leather and velvet jewelry boxes of all sizes, and I just have things in individual plastic bags shoved into 15 different boxes. There’s no rhyme or reason, and the pieces deserve better. But it’s just how my brain works. It feels practical and utilitarian, and I have a pretty photographic memory so I can think about a piece and know exactly where it’s at. It works for me but it’s the least sexy thing imaginable.”
“There’s only one piece of jewelry that never leaves my body, and it’s the diamond studs that Kyle bought me. A long time ago, back when I didn’t have any fine jewelry, Kyle surprised me with a pair of diamond studs, and I felt like I was walking on a cloud. It’s cheeseball, but it felt like I was in a movie. Someone loves me and they bought me diamonds?! I guess I’m susceptible as any to that sort of feeling. My most sentimental piece is something I can’t even look at without feeling my heart grow two sizes. I purchased an antique locket, and I wanted to keep notes from my mom and dad on either side. It’s not just the notes that mean a lot; it’s the day they wrote them. My mom re-wrote hers multiple times because she wanted it perfect. My dad wrote his once and then was trying to help me fix the frame back in and accidentally stabbed my finger and I started bleeding. It all felt very eventful. Hah. When I went to take photographs of this piece, I realized that Kyle had also slipped a note in, and I started weeping. I love my family. I love Kyle. And it’s such a special feeling to have something that makes me feel connected to everyone regardless of distance and time. THATS what makes jewelry so magical. That it can make you feel like this. And you can carry it on your person, but more importantly in your heart. Okay, I’m crying. Bye.”
You can follow Kate here —> @imsaintkatherine
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