One of the super powers of being an artist is leaving behind a footprint of art creations which generally tend to outlive most of us, often long after our names cease to be spoken. Another super power is to focus the art on subjects near and dear to the heart of the artist.
Marité Vidales feels a strong connection to the eternal subject of immigration, a human event which has always existed, and which I suspect will continue to happen throughout the planet’s life. Imagine the German Vandals arriving in Iberia as the Roman Empire collapsed, or the Vikings settling in Northern Ireland and establishing the city of Dublin, or the Apache invading and taking Hopi lands, or Cubans escaping the brutal boot of Communism and arriving in Miami in the 1960s, and on and on.
She writes about this work:
“Home” is part of my Immigrant series, which involved several years of work based on a topic I feel a strong personal connection. People immigrate for a wide variety of reasons. Some leave their homes for a better education and employment. Others escape political oppression and violence. All bring wonderful dreams and aspirations mixed with homesickness and a profound sense of connection to their home countries. They appreciate their new country for the opportunities it holds to build upon their dreams for a better life, despite many challenges. In this work, I include a nest (from another series) as a symbol of my home and family, and three-dimensional paper boat showing the risks of travel and the fragility of hope and aspirations.
Behold Home, 2009. Mixed media on canvas, 8×16 inches – it will be in the Women Artists of the DMV survey show.
Marité Vidales – Home, 2009. Mixed media on canvas, 8×16 in. |
Credit: Source link